The Battle of the Sea

The Battle of the Sea

This poem is a portion of the third entry into Issue 1 of Omakase Magazine: “Idols,” which will be running during September and October. To learn more about this issue, check out our Letter from the Editor.

We are running three poems from our staff writer Ryan Burton to start the week. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have.

Four sun days slipped into the sea
There won’t be another luster
We’ve seen our last beam
The wind whiffed grown hearts onto the pier
Sobs dropped from eyes to sky
And vanished in the air

Three surf waves fought to rise above
They peaked to thirty feet
But their heroics weren’t enough
Sand took in the waves that were no more
They faded into quicksand
And became part of the floor

Two dolphins asked, “What’s going on?”
“Our home is disappearing!”
“Did we do something wrong?”
They tasted the water that was once so sweet
While looking into their black eyes
They began to admit defeat

One young boy cruised in on his boat
The sea was getting smaller
But he managed to stay afloat
He made a promise to all he knew
The fight was just beginning
His blood was shades of blue

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Strawberry Sunrise

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Milk Chocolate Clarity